At Edgewood, we’re committed to service to our community and the world. Missions and service projects are central to being a part of the ECC family, and we’re always looking for new ideas from members and friends who see a need that we can help to meet. Donations towards specific mission projects are accepted during the weekly offertory, or by mail or drop-off at the office.

Back to School Backpacks

From now until the end of September, we will be collecting monetary donations for Project Outreach to support their back to school programs for community children and youth. Donations can be placed in the collection plate on Sunday or brought/mailed to the church office. Please make checks payable to Edgewood Church and write “Project Outreach” on the memo line.

Seasonal Missions

At different times of year, ECC seeks to fulfill seasonal needs for our neighbors. Two such missions are our Advent Angel Tree and our Summer Backpack Mission. Both of these projects allow the ECC family to provide gifts, necessary items and school supplies to children and families in our community.